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Guess what... More Updates (and programs)!

I just got a new laptop that will hopefully make me able to make more stuff, more efficiently and faster. Unfortunately I forgot to transfer the HaxTube 1.0.7 project to my new laptop, so I'll have to start from scratch (again)... 1.0.8 will have a number of improvements on 1.0.7, mainly (a lot) more organized code, and finally an updated video on how to use it. But that's not all...

TryMail 1.0 (send me a better idea for a name in case you have one)... This program is basically a dictionary attack application for emails... Has quite a lot of uses, from recovering your own email adress to making keylogger attacks easier... If you're a developer, you might figure out why it is called TryMail (sends emails in a try catch statement)... It may have multiple threads, each one trying a password, speeding up the process dramatically, and may have proxies, however I can't promise anything...

Unfortunately Locker will be discontinued, but I may or may not release other programs (I want to mess around with TCP a bit, and want to see what I can do with it...)

And that's pretty much it, my usual website post...

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